The coca legend

God said to the andean people:

“Guard the leaves with much love and when

you feel the sting of pain in your heart,

hunger in your body

and darkness in your mind…

takeĀ  them to your mouth and softly, draw up

its spirit which is part of mine…..”

You will find love for your pain

food for your body and light for your mind

Further more, watch the leaves dance with the wind

and you will find answers to your queries.

But if your torturer, who come from the North

the white conqueror, the gold seeker, should touch it

he will find in it only…

poison for his body

and madness for his mind

for his heart is so callous as his steel and iron garment

And when the COCA, which is how you will call it,

attempts to soften his feelings

it will only shatter him

as the icy crystals born in the clouds

crack the rocks, demolish mountains. …

Free adaptation by Jorge Hurtado G. from the book of Antonio Diaz Villamil.



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