The coca plant, cultivated by Andean cultures since 5000 years, has led the most important change in the history of medicine: .Cocaine, a semi synthetic alkaloid extracted from the coca leaf, allowed the surgery painless
In this way, the coca plant has changed the lives of everyone not only for its quality as a pain killer, but because it energized the world of industrial era through Coca Cola. This beverage was the most powerful stimulant sold in its time. Coca Cola contained; cocaine, caffeine and theobromine.
Dr. Jorge Hurtado Gumucio and Dr. Roxana Miranda Larrea are conducting research on the medical application of the coca leaf at Coca Wasi:
– Chewing coca for cocaine dependence treatment.
– Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux based on coca leaf.
– Coca and diabetes.
– Coca and osteoporosis
– Coca: the fountain of youth.
Coca like almost all agricultural products has been attacked by the agrochemicals causing multiple health problems. Coca Wasi has detected over 16 agrochemicals, largely prohibited abroad.
Coca Wasi works primarily in the field. Investigating biological and organic alternatives for pest control. Model Coca plantations have served this aim and objective is to encourage and teach farmers in the Yungas producing all agricultural products naturally.