How to arrive

If you are coming by bus o taxi (two hours from La Paz by the New Road) you will first arrive Coroico where you can ask a taxi (it will charge you 10 $us for 5 persons).) The New Road with espectacular vistas is all paved.

If you come by bike, like many, you will see on your right COCA WASI, 10 minutes before the end of your journey through the The Death Road.

A lot of people is arriving to Coca Wasi by bike (there are companies that offer this service at Sagarnaga street).

0zip line 4
When coming by bike, you will see on your right.Just minutes before the end of your journey through the Andes, the Historic House of Coca.

The historical house of coca.

The historical house of coca.

Coca Wasi has witnessed the history of the coca plant. In this same place the Incas cultivated the Mamacoca. Spanish conquistadors took possession of this gold green and with it began the era of capitalism:Gold, silver and other precious minerals were extracted in the mines of Potosi thanks to the energy and nutrients of the coca leaf.

Ancient coca plantation at Coca Wasi

Here you can find a coca plantation unique in its history.

You can ask for a day tour to Coca Wasi at the Coca Museum at Linares street 906 (ask for Sagarnaga Street: the street of handy craft) en the central part of La Paz near San Francisco Church.
Also may contact us by telephone to  69851999  and  69852255 if you at Bolivia or add the country code 591 if you are not.


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